Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Seattle Protests

The 1999 Seattle Protests showed us two things, one it showed us that ordinary people would show their solidarity for the tyrannized people of the third world and it showed the world that America is under martial law.

Not only did America bring in the National Guard to oppress the protesters but the Seattle riot police displayed the latest style of fascist riot policing. From shooting peaceful protesters with rubber bullets to shooting canisters of tear gas to an admirable crowd. Mainstream media reported on the Anarchists destroying private property rather then on the general movement of the protesters. CNN reporters babbled on about black hooded punks breaking windows while they did not report on what the fascist cops were saying. "If you do not move, you will be the subject of pain." This is what democracy looks like in our royally fucked up world. The anarchists as much as I respect them in engaging in illegal activities such as sabotage and blockades allowed the riot police to attack the peaceful protesters. They were the cause and the hundreds in jail was the effect. They allowed the country of America to aggressively crackdown on its political dissidents.

This world is not going to change unless we make it change. This injustice and inequality does matter and as long as there is one political prisoner in the world, the fight lives on.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Just say No

Israel is the new Nazi Germany of the Middle East. It has pursued the same policies Nazis took on the Jews before the onset of World War Two. But this time on, the Palestinians are being dealt with.

They, who came from Europe to Israel believed their shattered lives would be rebuilt and that liberty was a promise. After escaping horrible camps whose foundations were built on torture and death the Jews looked for a home. Here, they met the Palestinians. The ancient animosity that took place in Jerusalem was renewed.

History was designed to be rewritten. The stories you read today on the "war on terror" has been heavily favoring Israel and her western cronies. They are forgetting a crucial thing, War IS Terror. Hundreds of Israeli children and women have died over the years Hamas have been in power. Thousands of Palestinians have been forced homeless and killed in a few short weeks. This war has been justified as a war to protect democracy. This is a pusillanimous lie. Israel has never gone to war to protect democracy. If they want to protect democracy, begin at home. Still the Jews insist on building on land traditionally owned by the Palestinians. These structures are towering castles utilized to oversea and enslave the Palestinians. Democracy without freedom is slavery and brutality. This is modern age imperialism. 400,000 Palestinians were left without running water, 4,000 homes were destroyed. This is one of the worlds biggest humanitarian disasters in the world. Every weapon used to kill is a theft to the thousands of hungry and dying. Why destroy when you can build? As long as there is a Palestinian caged without freedom in their own homeland, I am not free.

It is because we protest
against horrors like genocide in Palestine that we show them we love this earth. It is precisely because we oppose this war we love this world.