Thursday, July 9, 2009


The minds of the people have been decieved and have been shrouded in censorship. People believe anyone belonging to the left or the far left are communists like the ones we see today like Hu Jintao, the Castro brothers, and Kim Jong Il. The people whom Marx, Engels, Bakinin, Goldmann and other leftists have fought for have turned on them believing the lies of the elite and the government. They have been decieved by mainstream media that report on the stories that corporations tell them to. Most importantly they have been decived by their fellow human beings, namely capitalists, the elite, the government. Communists like we see today has allowed the True communists to go underground for fear of persecution. These so called communists gives us a bad name. Democracy prevails because there are few choices to choose from. It's either democracy or dictatorship.

Why is it that many of the worlds intellectuals were Anarchists? Noam Chomsky, Salvador Dali to name a few. The common misconception of Anarchy is a state without laws. But we do have laws we have the laws of nature to abide to and the laws of our morality. Why have anarchism never taken the international stage? The reason is simple. The patricians have always controlled the money and the government making social revolution difficult. Obama claims to have the recreational tastes of the working class but in reality he is a multimillionaire being constantly lobbied by companies. Elect in its truest definition means someone or something chosen out of a crowd. Therefore an election would be a process where we pick someone randomly from the streets to run for a position. This is true Direct democracy. America is not a democracy. I'll say it again for those of you who are too busy rolling your eyes, America is not a democracy. It is a Plutocratic Oligarchy. There are a few in government and most of them are rich and powerful. The reality in America is that millions of people don't have proper health care and millions of them are homeless and this have been covered up by insurance companies such as Humana. The invisible homeless. But the people do know and now it is our chance to galvanize the world. The 1999 Seattle riots were just a harbinger to change. I am not an advocate of communism or anarchism but I see them as a last option to democracy.

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